Category: Travelling

10 years of child abuse: Jackie Chan’s China Drama Academy apprenticeship contract

When Jackie Chan and his father arrived at Master Yu Jim-Yuen’s school in Hong Kong for the first time in 1961, he could hardly believe his eyes. Children his age were allowed to have fun all day long – the bully Jackie Chan wanted that too. By contract, the then 7-year-old was placed in the care of Master Yu Jim-Yuen for ten years. A mistake?

By Thorsten Boose 17. May 2020 Off

Hong Kong, my love: A travel guide to Jackie Chan’s homeland

Jackie Chan has moved his business operations to mainland China, but he remains loyal to his home city of Hong Kong, the city where he grew up and famous. A special travel guide, “Hong Kong, my love”, was published in 2009 by Silke Oettel, Vice President of the JC Dragon’s Heart Foundation Europe since 2011, and Thorsten Boose, author of the Jackie Chan film guides, in which readers can go to former locations of Chans Filming and being guided around Hong Kong.

By Thorsten Boose 9. May 2019 Off