“FABI ROMMEL: ALPHA” (2024) | Film Review

“FABI ROMMEL: ALPHA” (2024) | Film Review

29. July 2024 Off By Thorsten Boose

Reference to Jackie Chan: none available

“Pretty good, eh?!”

Setting up your own comedy business in Germany is like an economic and creative suicide mission. Stand-up comedian and loop expert Fabi Rommel has had similar experiences in recent years. His first YouTube special takes stock.

Anyone who has got to know and love FABI ROMMEL via social media such as Tik Tok or Instagram knows that he is the undisputed king of comedy loops. In everyday situations, the likeable Swabian and Berliner-by-choice usually presents the idiocy of our oh-so-beautiful, modern world from various perspectives.

And in the midst of this modern world, Fabi Rommel is trapped between “should I or shouldn’t I” thoughts as an introverted, slightly dotty non-alpha male. In a loop, so to speak. But he doesn’t have to act at all. Authentic as he is, in his comedy special “Alpha” he not only bravely confronts contemporary macho trends, but also does so at his own expense on a stage of what is probably Germany’s most critical audience – Berlin.

Is Fabi Rommel typically German when it comes to humour? All over the world, we Germans have a reputation for not being particularly funny, let alone for laughing often and willingly. The concept of schadenfreude is branded as a German invention. Like all stereotypes, there may be something to this one. But Fabi’s premise of “turning one’s weaknesses into strengths” is also a German asset, which he presents here with perfect timing par excellence.

No convoluted sentences, yet eloquent. No abstract storytelling, yet borrowed from reality for everyone to see. Likeable, authentic, funny. “Alpha” is a great hour’s entertainment for fans of stand-up. If I wasn’t already a fan of Flori… er… Fabi Rommel, I would have become one after just a few minutes of “Alpha” and followed him like a beta.

Authentic 7 out of 10 stars

Incidentally, Fabi Rommel’s big “Daheim” tour (German for “home” or “at home”) will be taking place throughout Germany next year. Tickets are still available for individual venues. Take a look at his official website: www.fabirommel.com

Entire program | “FABI ROMMEL: ALPHA” (2024)

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© Fabi Rommel