The book “The new German Jackie Chan film guide” sets new standards for fans of the Kung Fu legend
Who would have thought that Jackie Chan would still be making action films in 2018 – at the age of 64? With the filming of “The Foreigner” (2017) with Pierce Brosnan, a serious action drama emerged in which Jackie could shine as an actor. And then events rolled over.
The 40th anniversary of the Jackie Chan’s stunt team (Sing Ga Ban), the receipt of the honorary oscar for his life’s work and the announcement of the long-awaited English translation of his second autobiography from 2015. Jackie set a new standard and gave me the impetus for a new book. The time was right and work on “The new German Jackie Chan film guide” was already in full swing.
The fact that “The new German Jackie Chan film guide” is being published almost exactly ten years to the day after its predecessor’s release date may be a coincidence or fate. Fact is that everything will be different with this book.
Content of the new Jackie Chan book from Germany

Jackie Chan. Action hero, director, singer, entrepreneur and proud winner of the Honorary Oscar since 2016. The sympathetic Hong Kong Chinese can look back on a 56-year film career. Trained as an entertainer at a young age as a student at the China Drama Academy, he was shaped by discipline, humility and social thinking. But before his success came dubious film appearances, emigration and persecution by the Chinese mafia were real.
Today, Jackie Chan is known worldwide. He is China’s most influential star. Jackie Chan became a brand. This ultimate reference work contains not only the complete, but also the world’s most detailed filmography of the former stuntman. Misinformation is uncovered, forgotten films are recalled, Jackie Chan’s work on television is examined more closely and numerous references to pop culture such as music and video games are created.
Thanks to exclusive interviews with filmmakers like Roberta Chow, daughter of Golden Harvest founder Raymond Chow, fans get a rare glimpse into the history of Hong Kong cinema. Never before published information as well as a generous bonus section and numerous home theater tips make fan hearts beat faster.
- world’s most detailed filmography from 1962 to 2018
- different film versions
- DVD- & Blu-ray tips
- 40+ future movies
- hundreds of references to Jackie Chan in pop culture
- rejected roles
- Jackie Chan in TV
- companies & charities
- Extra: Jackie Chan in video games
- Extra: exclusive interviews
Der neue deutsche Jackie Chan Filmführer (translated title: The new German Jackie Chan film guide)
ISBN: 978-3-95631-696-8, 364 pages, 23,90 EUR
available in bookshops everywhere and online
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[…] You can find out more about this and other films by and with Jackie Chan in my new book “Der neue deutsche Jackie Chan Filmführer” (translated title “The new German Jackie Chan film guide”) (click here). […]