Jackie Chan’s stunt team members from 1976 to today in a complete overview

Jackie Chan’s stunt team members from 1976 to today in a complete overview

21. September 2019 Off By Thorsten Boose

[last update on 05 October 2024]


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The 1970s were the heyday of the Eastern genre. Stuntmen were in demand, but were treated more as props than stars on film sets. Jackie Chan wanted to change that and founded the “Sing Ga Ban” (成家班), his own stunt team, with a few friends and colleagues in 1976. The Sing Ga Ban, which translates as family class, from then on advocated better working conditions for stuntmen and got himself and his team more work in films.

This team, also known as the “Jackie Chan Family”, still exists today. Only here you can find the current list of all members and interesting background information, self-researched from various official sources.

About this list

The Jackie Chan stunt team has changed a lot since its inception in 1976: Members joined, others left, again some died too soon and some members were forgotten for various reasons. This list is updated every time the group changes.

The fact that some photos are missing is because some stuntmen only appeared as doubles or behind the camera, especially in the 8th and 9th generation, and therefore cannot be identified in the films. Many of the middle generation (6th to 8th) are on Chinese and Western social platforms, but to protect their privacy, I will not use the profile photos they upload there for my list.

Here, you will only find screenshots as small quotes from films, TV series or promo shootings in which the respective persons have participated. For others, I was kindly given permission to share certain photos upon request.

Book trailer: “I Am Jackie Chan” (我是成龙) (2022)

Several sources

The order presented here is based on the current order that can be admired in Jackie Chan’s autobiography “I Am Jackie Chan” (我是成龙), which was first published in Chinese on 21 September 2022.

Since I have updated this list again and again over the past years, using various official sources, I also leave these in the individual person entries. In this way, changes from source to source can also be recognised and checked.

A first official list with fixed numbers was previously available in the original edition (and only there!) of Jackie Chan’s autobiography “Growing Old Before Growing Up” (还没长大就老了) from 2015. The list in Jackie Chan’s museum, the Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, which has since been closed since 15 July 2020, can also be traced. It should be mentioned here that even this was changed at least twice in the museum and the order noted here refers to the first update.

All information comes from publicly available sources, so no private secrets are revealed. As I use many sources, your own research may differ from my findings. Although I have taken great care and checked much of the information several times against official data, errors can always creep in.

If you stumble across an error or two, please write to me via my contact form and I will deal with the matter.

Anniversary: 40 years of Jackie Chan Stunt Team

The so-called “Collection Book” was produced for the 40th anniversary of the JCST. Exclusively for members of the Sing Ga Ban and not freely available! This book is a wonderful edition with numerous pictures, texts and cross-references to films in which the legendary troupe has participated over the decades.

40 Years Jackie Chan Stunt Team Collection Book. Thank you, Anthony Carpio!

In 2023, I had the privilege of exchanging ideas with Anthony Carpio from the 3rd generation of the Jackie Chan stunt team. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again, Anthony!

The Collection Book is one of the most beautiful pieces in my private collection, which is linked to a very personal story, and I thought long and hard about quoting from it for my article. In the end, however, I decided against it out of respect for the team and the exclusive book project.

After all, the information it contains is not publicly accessible. It is a pity, however, because the list of members (as of 2017) contains people in a different order that does not appear in any other list. For example, Frankie Chan Fan-Kei (陳勳奇), who finally officially made it onto the team in 2022 in the autobiography, is missing here again. Why this and other information did not make it into Jackie’s autobiography from 2022 remains a mystery for the time being, but also shows that the JC GROUP still does not have an exact overview of the Jackie Chan stunt team.

That’s why I endeavour to bring as much clarity as possible to this perceived information chaos. So if, as mentioned above, you stumble across information that you can’t understand, rest assured that I have also cross-checked it with this non-public source.

You can get a little insight into the book on the designers’ official Behance account:

Source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/62434013/Jackie-Chan-Stunt-Team-Collection-Book (Status: March 2024)

Brief history of the Sing Ga Ban (成家班)

Jackie Chan’s stunt team has had a variety of names and spellings over the decades. It was founded in 1976 as 成家班 (Sing Ga Ban), which means family class. Jackie’s endeavour at that time was to gather a group of like-minded people. This created a camaraderie, almost a family spirit which is why the colloquial term “Jackie Chan Family” has become established to this day.

In the 1980s, when Jackie’s films enjoyed greater commercial success thanks to Golden Harvest, logos were designed, team shirts printed and trucks wrapped. Common names at the time were Jackie Chan Stunt Team, JC Stunt Team, Jackie Chan Stuntman’s Club, Jackie Chan’s Stuntmen Club, Jackie Chan Stuntmen Association (sometimes with HK for Hong Kong as a suffix) and any number of variations thereof.

During the strenuous filming of “Armour of God II – Operation Condor” (1991), it was announced that the team was disbanding. There were many reasons for this, but the team reunited a few months later with a new structure. And from 2010, the team name was changed to “成龙国际特技队”, Jackie Chan’s International Stunt Team. For the sake of simplicity, I will abbreviate the Jackie Chan Stunt Team as JCST in the following article. This is an unofficial spelling that is becoming more and more popular internationally.

On 23 December 2013, it was announced that the Chinese investment company Greenland Group will invest 1 billion Yuan, or around USD 164 million, in the international training centre in Tianjin. BON TV reported on this on 25 December 2013.

Note on the video: Some information is inaccurate!

Note on the logos: In a future update, I will discuss the visual development of the JCST based on its logos. This is actually worth an article in its own right. The logos placed here in the generations are not necessarily associated with the introduction of the respective generation. Over the years and decades, old logos and countless variants of them have been used again and again. The illustration is only intended to show a rough visual chronological sequence.

Big Brother, Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan (成龍) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 7 April 1954 in Hongkong

Jackie Chan is not named as the first member here – as in most official compilations – because he is the founder and therefore the big brother of the troupe. Here, “big brother” does not refer to a family relationship, but is a title of respect.

Picture: ”Shaolin Wooden Men” (1976)

Jackie’s career as a martial arts director and stunt coordinator began early. Back in the early 1970s, when he got his first film deal thanks to Chu Mu at the Great Earth Film Company, he worked with Charlie Chin and Yuen Qiu on “The Heroine” and even before that with Michael Chan and Bolo Yeung on “Chinese Hercules”, both of which were released in spring 1973. Jackie was just 18 years old at the time of the shooting.

It would take a few more years and films before the youngster had gained so much experience that, according to legend, he decided to go talent scouting on the set of “Shaolin Wooden Men” (1976) in Taiwan and improve the underpaid situation of stuntmen in Hong Kong with like-minded people.

From the very beginning, Jackie’s aim was to hire disciplined and honest people who would put their talent and hard work at the service of the film and grow as a group. To this day, these are the stable cornerstones of the Jackie Chan stunt team.

The 1st generation


Legend has it that during the filming of Jackie’s second film for Lo Wei, “Shaolin Wooden Men” (1976), the formation of the JCST took place. In Jackie’s autobiography, the updated 2017 Oscar edition, only three members are attributed to the first generation. The list has since been adjusted.

Incidentally, Jackie Chan was only mentioned as the first founding member in his museum, the Jackie Chan Film Gallery; after that, however, he cleared the field as Big Brother and the list starts at number one without him. Of course, Jackie Chan was and still is the head of the troupe.

Wang Yao (王耀) ♂

Date/place of birth: 31 October 1950 in Taiwan, nickname: A Yao (阿耀)

Membership number:
g1m1 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g1m2 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m1 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Spiritual Kung Fu” (1978)

Picture: ”The Fearless Hyena” (1979)

Man Lee-Pang (萬里鵬) ♂

Date/place of birth: 8 January 1953 in Taiwan, also known as Xie Jian-Wen (谢见文) and Wan Li-Peng (万里鹏), nickname: Xiao Wen (小文)

Membership number:
g1m3 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g1m3 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m2 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Spiritual Kung Fu” (1978)

Picture: ”The Fearless Hyena” (1979)

Peng Kang (彭剛) ♂

Date/place of birth: 28 February 1953 in Taiwan, also known as Johnny Pang, nickname: Xiao Peng (小彭)

Membership number:
g1m2 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g1m4 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m3 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Snake & Crane Arts Of Shaolin” (1978)

After Jackie’s breakthrough, he got the male lead in “The Woman Avenger” (1980). His work as a stuntman was so appreciated at the time that they wrote “With Peng Kang, Jackie Chan’s stunt double” on the official film poster.

Picture: ”The Fearless Hyena” (1979)

Fung Hak-On (馮克安) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 18 September 1949 in Hong Kong, date of death: 02 March 2016, nicknames: Hei Zi (黑仔), Ke Ge (克哥)

Membership number:
g2m4 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g1m5 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m4 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Not Scared To Die” (1973)

Played one of the bad guys in “The Young Master” (1980) and doubled his father Fung Fung (馮峰) in the final fight.

Picture: ”The Young Master” (1980)

Danny Chow Yun-Kin (周潤堅) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: January 1950 in Hong Kong, date of death: unknown, nickname: Dili Jian (地理坚)

Membership number:
g2m6 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g1m6 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m5 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Fist To Fist” (1973)

Accepted as an official member of the team in 1978.

Picture: ”Dragon Lord” (1982)

Paul Wong Kwan (王坤) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 9 April 1954 in Hong Kong, nickname: Huang Jin-Jun (黄锦钧)

Membership number:
g2m9 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g1m7 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m6 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The 36 Crazy Fists” (1979)

According to Frank Djeng’s audio commentary on Criterion’s “Emergence of a Superstar” Blu-ray of “The Young Master” (1980), he led the Sing Ga Ban for a while.

Picture: ”Police Story” (1985)

Jiang Rong-Fa (蔣榮發) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 28 February 1954 in Shanghai (China), better known as Mars (火星), also known as Cheung Wing-Fat (蒋荣发)

Membership number:
g2m5 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m9 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m7 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Ambush” (1971)

Mars received a similar Peking Opera education to Jackie Chan, but he attended the Spring and Autumn Drama School under the direction of Madame Fan Fok-Fa, which was considered the toughest competition to Master Yu Jim-yuen’s China Drama Academy at the time.

Picture: ”Dragon Lord” (1982)

Benny Lai Keung-Kuen (黎強權) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 4 December 1954 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g2m7 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g1m8 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m8 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The 36 Crazy Fists” (1979)

Older brother of Rocky Lai Keung-Kun (黎強根) from the second generation. He joined the group in 1979.

Picture: ”The Young Master” (1980)

Frankie Chan Fan-Kei (陳勳奇) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 30 November 1951 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g1m9 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Black Tavern” (1972)

He began his film career under the wing of composer Wang Fook-Ling for Shaw Brothers and produced dozens of other audio tracks for other film companies under his new pseudonym Frankie Chan. Co-founder of the 80s company Always Good Film (永佳影業有限公司).

Picture: ”Read Lips” (1980)

The 2nd generation


The second generation of JCST underwent some of the biggest changes in the Hong Kong film industry. The typical Easterns that had been popular for decades and set in the Qing Dynasty were given a makeover and moved into the modern era. This also affected the fight choreography and stunt work, which became increasingly dangerous in the 1980s.

And yet the pioneers of the first generation were able to keep up because of their respective backgrounds. At the same time, big brother Jackie Chan pulled on the reins. After the first film successes at the end of the 1970s, Sing Ga Ban was already a respected, up-and-coming troupe. As the book “Bruce Lee & Jacky Chan: Oriental Heroes” (Great Dragon Company, 1980) states, Jackie had to rap the knuckles of some of his stuntmen at the time and actually fire them, who wanted to sneak into other film productions thanks to his good name by claiming that their boss was working with them eventually.

Rocky Lai Keung-Kun (黎強根) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 28 October 1962 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g3m16 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m10 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m10 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Protector” (1985)

Younger brother of Benny Lai Keung-Kuen (黎強權). Rocky was first hired by Jackie Chan as a driver and later joined the stunt team.

Picture: ”Project A II” (1987)

Chris Lee Kin-Sang (李健生) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 12 April 1962 in Hong Kong, also known as Chris Li, nickname: Fujian Sheng (福建生)

Membership number:
g3m27 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m11 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m11 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Project A” (1983)

Was one of the badly injured stuntmen who fell from the bus in “Police Story” (1985). Chris was in a coma for 6.5 hours. According to James Ha in an interview with 88 films on their release of “The Twin Dragons” (1992), Chris Lee was the head of JCST at the time of that film.

Picture: ”Project A II” (1987)

Johnny Cheung Yui-Wah (花樽華) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 5 December 1955 in Hong Kong, also known as Johnny Cheung Wa (張華), nickname: Lao Zuo Hua (老作华)

Membership number:
g2m8 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m12 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m12 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Young Master” (1980)

Member of the Hong Kong Stuntmen Association and loyal to his boss Jackie Chan for decades; last films together: “Skiptrace” (2016), “Golden Job” (2018). His brother John Cheung Ng-Long (張午郎) often worked with the JCST, but was never a permanent member.

Picture: ”The Young Master” (1980)

Wan Fat (尹發) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 28 February 1951 in Hong Kong, also known as Yin Fa

Membership number:
g2m10 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m13 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m13 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Cub Tiger From Kwang-Tung” (1973)

Picture: ”Project A” (1983)

Bruce Tong Yim-Chaan (唐炎燦) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 1955 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g2m12 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m14 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m14 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Young Master” (1980)

Is one of Chang Cheh’s godsons. Left the Shaw Brothers in 1980, according to legend, and joined Jackie Chan’s stunt team, although he has not appeared in a film since 1983.

Picture: ”Dragon Lord” (1982)

Frankie Poon Bin-Chung (潘炳忠) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 10 August 1963 in Hong Kong, nickname: Da Bi Zhong (大鼻忠)

Membership number:
g2m14 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m15 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m15 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Project A” (1983)

Picture: ”Project A II” (1987)

Paco Yick Tin-Hung (易天雄) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 16 July 1959 in Hong Kong, also known as Yee Tin-Hung, nickname: Fa Wen (发瘟)

Membership number:
g2m11 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m16 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m16 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Winners & Sinners” (1983)

Joined the stunt team in 1985. Is still very active in sports today and keeps in touch with his stuntman brothers, online and in real life, although he did not return after the team’s brief disbandment in 1991. He got his nickname “Fever” when he used to beat his chest as if delirious before very dangerous stunts. On 16 February 2024, he received the Outstanding Action Performance Award from the Hong Kong Stuntman Association (香港動作特技演員公會) in Hong Kong.

Picture: ”Winners And Sinners” (1983)

Sham Chin-Bo (岑潛波) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: in Hong Kong, date of death: unknown, nickname: Bo Zi (波仔)

Membership number:
g2m13 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m17 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m17 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Lady Of Steel” (1970)

Picture: ”Winners And Sinners” (1983)

Yang Sheng (杨升) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 11 March 1963 in Beijing (China), date of death: 28 July 2021, also known as Yang Yifan (楊一凡)

Membership number:
g3m28 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m18 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m18 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Police Story” (1985)

Yang Sheng performed a famous stunt, but most people don’t know it was him. He doubled Brigitte Lin in “Police Story” (1985) while almost voluntarily jumping from the roof of a house into the pool. Click here for the video.

Picture: Promo

Ben Lam Kwok-Bun (林國斌) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 25 September 1960 in Hong Kong, nickname: Sha-Ren Bin (杀人斌)

Membership number:
g3m26 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g2m19 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m19 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Heart Of Dragon” (1985)

Before his film career, he was a bouncer at a disco in Hong Kong and even a partner in a pool hall. Around 1990, he was in a relationship with Anita Mui for three years.

Picture: ”Heart Of Dragon” (1985)

Danny Ng Wai-Yip (吳偉業) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 17 September 1965 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m29 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m20 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Protector” (1985)

Danny has been involved in numerous IFD productions as a stuntman, fight choreographer and performer. There is a rumour that a JCST shirt is to be seen in one IFD film – anyone who finds it is welcome to contact me.

Picture: ”The Protector” (1985)

Pang Hiu-Sang (彭曉生) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: unknown in Hong Kong, nickname: Peng Xiaoxin (彭晓新)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m30 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g2m21 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Police Story” (1985)

Picture: ”Police Story Part II” (1988)

The 3rd generation


The third generation once again brought to the screen some faces that Hong Kong film fans still recognise today. Ken Lo was quickly chosen as Jackie’s personal bodyguard thanks to his past as a professional martial artist and bouncer. It is interesting that no mention is made of William Duen Wai-Lun (段偉倫).

From 1988 to 2003, William Duen was Jackie’s bodyguard as well as his personal driver, but he is said to have been too harsh in criticising his boss and the practices of his wife and business partner Joan Lin Feng-Chiao, so he had to leave. William Duen often had smaller roles in Jackie’s films; why he is not listed as a stuntman is discussed in more detail at the end of the article.

Nicky Li Chung-Chi (李忠志) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 23 December 1963 in Hong Kong, nickname: Sha-Ren Zhi (杀人志)

Membership number:
g3m15 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m20 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m22 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Project A II” (1987)

Was later selected as team leader of the Jackie Chan stunt team and is still successfully active in the film business today.

Picture: ”Police Story Part II” (1988)

Hon Chun (韓春) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 1963 in Hong Kong, date of death: 23 December 2015, nickname: Zhan Beng Dao (斩崩刀)

Membership number:
g3m19 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m21 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m23 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Project A II” (1987)

Picture: ”Miracles” (1989)

Lai Sing-Kwong (賴勝光) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 27 January 1960 in Hong Kong, nickname: Mei Ren-Xing (没人性)

Membership number:
g3m21 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m22 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m24 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “That Enchanting Night” (1987)

Was used a lot for car and wire stunts and was even deputy team leader at one point.

Picture: ”The Inspector Wears Skirts” (1988)

Lee Jun-Git (李俊傑) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 4 December 1965 in Hong Kong, nickname: Da-Tou Jie (大头杰)

Membership number:
g3m22 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m23 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m25 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “That Enchanting Night” (1987)

Lee Jun-Git mostly retired from the film business after the short-lived disbandment of the JCST in 1991. However, he returned in 2004 for “Around The World In 80 Days” (2004) for his former boss Jackie Chan, playing one of the Scorpion fighters with other teammates from his generation and the one before.

Picture: ”The Inspector Wears Skirts” (1988)

Ken Lo Wai-Kwong (盧惠光) ♂

Flagge Laos Date/place of birth: 17 March 1959 in Vientiane (Laos), nickname: Guang Zi (光仔)

Membership number:
g3m18 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m24 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m26 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Naughty Boys” (1986)

Jackie Chan’s personal bodyguard for many years as well as boxing and kickboxing trainer and generally his right-hand man. Named his son after his mentor: Jacky Low was born on 2 March 1999. Around 2009, after the restructuring of the JC Group, Ken Lo and Jackie Chan parted ways. For a long time, there were rumours that they had fallen out. But the truth is, Jackie offered Ken the chance to go to China with him, but he declined and stayed home in Hong Kong to look after his own family. Nevertheless, they continued to work together, for example in “Chinese Zodiac” (2012), “Who Am I 2015” (2015) and most recently more or less in “All U Need Is Love” (2021).

Picture: ”Project A II” (1987)

Chan Tat-Kwong (陳達廣) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 6 September 1963 in Hong Kong, also known as Tako Chan, nickname: Da Zhi Jiang (大只讲)

Membership number:
g3m23 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m25 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m27 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “That Enchanting Night” (1987)

Picture: ”The Inspector Wears Skirts II” (1989)

Jia Shi-Feng (賈仕峰) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 11 December 1965 in Hong Kong, also known as Go Shut-Fung, Ah Fung, Antonio Caprio, nickname: Anthony Carpio

Membership number:
g3m17 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m26 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m28 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Naughty Boys” (1986)

One of the few stuntmen from the team that worked on “Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story” (1993) with Jason Scott Lee. In rare making-of footage, you can see several people wearing the famous white JCST shirts on set. Jackie’s stuntmen were often hired out to third parties and also pursued their own careers. Also a member of the Hong Kong Stuntman Association (香港動作特技演員公會).

Picture: ”Project A II” (1987)

Louis Keung Kwok-Wah (姜國華) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 22 May 1965 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g3m20 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m27 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m29 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Police Story Part II” (1988)

Picture: ”The Inspector Wears Skirts II” (1989)

Christopher Chan Sai-Tang (陳世騰) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g3m25 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g3m28 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g3m30 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Project A II” (1987)

Picture: ”Police Story Part II” (1988)

The 4th generation


Yes, even Stanley Tong is part of the Jackie Chan stunt team, and a very important one indeed, for it was Stanley Tong who insisted on finally introducing sound film for Hong Kong actioners in 1991. Fact: As a rule, Hong Kong action films were mostly shot without original sound and only later dubbed by different voice actors in the studio!

So in 1992 there was a real technical revolution with “Police Story III – Super Cop”, which was supplemented with a linguistic revolution in 1994. In order to be more internationally marketable, “Rumble In The Bronx” (1995), the next Chan/Tong vehicle, was shot for the most part in English. To this day, Stanley Tong is an enormously important member of the JCST and one of Jackie Chan’s favourite directors, with whom he collaborates from time to time.

Stanley Tong Gwai-Lai (唐季禮) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 7 April 1960 in Hong Kong, also known as Xiao Tang (小唐), Le Ge (禮哥)

Membership number:
g4m35 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g4m31 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g4m31 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Police Story III – Super Cop” (1992)

Stanley Tong originally wanted to study medicine, but then decided to study engineering in Winnipeg (Canada) and returned to Hong Kong in 1979 to gain a foothold in the film business with the help of his brother-in-law. This brother-in-law was none other than Lo Lieh (羅烈), who took Stanley Tong’s sister Tang Jia-Li (湯加麗) as his second wife.

Picture: ”Police Story III – Super Cop” (1992)

Chung Chi-Yung (叢智勇) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 14 January 1969 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g3m24 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g4m32 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g4m32 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Project A II” (1987)

Picture: ”Dragons Forever” (1988)

Sam Wong Ming-Sing (黃明昇) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 30 June 1966 in Hong Kong, also known as Huang Ming-Xing (黃明星)

Membership number:
g4m31 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g4m33 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g4m33 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Police Story III – Super Cop” (1992)

The sixth workshop of the “Jackie Chan Movie Plan A” (成龍電影A計劃) took place at the “Jackie Chan Movie And Media College” (成龙影视传媒学院) in Wuhan from 11 to 14 December 2022, with Sam Wong as the lead instructor. Yes, Jackie has his own film school where he looks after the next generation of Chinese cinema.

Picture: ”Police Story III – Super Cop” (1992)

Chan Man-Ching (陳文清) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 2 September 1965 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g4m32 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g4m34 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g4m34 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Dragons Forever” (1988)

Picture: ”Dragons Forever” (1988)

Andy Cheng Kai-Chung (鄭繼宗) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 23 December 1966 in Hong Kong

Membership number:
g4m30 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g4m35 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g4m35 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Mr. Nice Guy” (1997)

Former Taekwondo champion who has worked as both a stuntman, actor and stunt double for Jackie Chan. Andy Cheng has since built a legendary reputation in Hollywood as a fantastic action director and continues to honour his former boss Jackie Chan through his own choreography inspired by him.

Picture: ”Rush Hour 2” (2001)

Ailen Sit Chun-Wai (薛春偉) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 1962 in Hong Kong, date of death: 18 July 2011, also known as Alan Sit, Allen Sit

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g4m36 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g4m36 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Shootout” (1992)

Picture: ”Rumble In The Bronx” (1995)

Tong Chuan (童川) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 19 July 1970 in Daxian (China), also known as Wang Tong-Chuan (王彤川)

Membership number:
g3m29 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g4m37 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g4m37 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Drunken Master II” (1994)

Strangely, there are very few films in his filmography and none by/with Jackie Chan. Wang Tong-Chuan joined the team at a time when it was actually disbanded and re-established months later under a new structure. Perhaps this led to a change in thinking, so that he changed his name and still lives as a freelance artist in Beijing (China). In 2023, he was one of the instructors for the first Jackie Chan Stunt Camp in Beijing.

Picture: ”New Dragon Gate Inn” (1992)

The 5th generation


Stanley Tong and Jackie Chan’s plan to become more internationally recognised and respected in film had worked. It was time for the JCST to become more international in the next generation as well. Bradley James Allan and Paul Andreovski were the first non-Asians to join the team.

The two Australians joined on location during filming of “Mr. Nice Guy” (1997) and quickly became important key figures in Jackie’s stuntman chess. Another novelty was provided by the first stuntwoman in the team: Yu Hao Er (于浩儿), also known as Angel Yu.

Bradley James Allan ♂

Flagge Australien Date/place of birth: 14 February 1973 in Melbourne (Australia), date of death: 7 August 2021, also known as Brad Allan, Bradley Allan

Membership number:
g4m34 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m38 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m38 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Mr. Nice Guy” (1997)

Brad Allan, a former wushu champion, was the team’s first Western stuntman and befriended Andy Cheng during the filming of “Mr. Nice Guy” (1997) in his native Australia. Their friendship was to last until Brad Allan’s tragic death. Like Andy Cheng, Brad Allan was strongly influenced by Jackie Chan and his spirit, so that he too was able to boast a successful filmography in Hollywood as an action and stunt director.

Marvel honoured him for his life and work with “in loving memory of Brad Allan” in the film “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” (2021).

Picture: ”Gorgeous” (1999)

Paul Andreovski ♂

Flagge Australien Date/place of birth: 24 February 1968 in Australia

Membership number:
g4m33 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m39 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m39 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Mr. Nice Guy” (1997)

Joined the JCST a few weeks later thanks to Brad Allan, because Jackie was looking for local fighters for “Mr. Nice Guy” (1997) in Melbourne at the time. Brad had previously trained with Paul, who then became Jackie’s boxing coach.

Picture: ”The Medallion” (2003)

Wu Gang (伍剛) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 30 June 1974 in Shanghai (China)

Membership number:
g5m36 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m40 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m40 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Shanghai Noon” (2000)

Between 1985 and 1998, Wu Gang travelled from one wushu tournament to another and was a successful champion internationally. In the late 90s, he was allowed to gain experience in his very first film experience on the set of “Shanghai Noon” (2000) as an assistant action director alongside Andy Cheng, Nicky Li and Yuen Biao. As a permanent member, he later replaced Nicky Li as team leader of the JCST.

Picture: ”Rob-B-Hood” (2006)

Lee In-Seop (이인섭)

Flagge Südkorea Date/place of birth: 15 April 1969 in South Korea, also known as: Li Ying-Shou (李英寿)

Membership number:
g5m37 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m41 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m41 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Tuxedo” (2002)

Lee In-Seop and Park Hyeon-Jin already knew each other from South Korea, as they both had the dream of working as stuntmen in Hong Kong. The third member of the group, Bruce Khan, became a member of the Sammo Hung stunt team. Lee In-Seop was one of Jackie’s body doubles.

Picture: “Around The World In 80 Days” (2004)

Park Hyeon-Jin (박현진) ♂

Flagge Südkorea Date/place of birth: 3 November 1975 in South Korea, also known as: Park Hyun-Jin (朴賢鎮), nickname: Mong Cha-Cha (蒙查查)

Membership number:
g5m38 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m42 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m42 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Gen X-Cops” (1999)

South Korean stunt performer Raven Choe got Park Hyeon-Jin an audition with Jackie Chan himself, so that he accepted him into the team after his first experiences on the set of “Gen-X Cops” (1999). Park Hyeon-Jin was a Taekwondo champion, learned Chinese and, after his naval service, obtained licences as a bodyguard, scuba diver and racing driver to compete in Hong Kong. Today he carries on Jackie Chan’s legacy behind the cameras in South Korea.

Picture: ”The Myth” (2005)

He Jun (何鈞) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 13 January 1979 in Chengdu (China)

Membership number:
g5m39 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m43 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m43 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Shanghai Knights” (2003)

One of the most important members of the JCST to this day. He Jun was not only essential in the planning of the team’s 40th anniversary celebrations in 2017, he also organised previous events at the JCST Training Center, the Action Movie Weeks and the first Jackie Chan Stunt Camp 2023 in Beijing.

Picture: ”Rob-B-Hood” (2006)

Han Guan-Hua (韓冠華) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 25 May 1981 in Xi’An (China)

Membership number:
g5m40 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m44 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m44 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Shanghai Knights” (2003)

A multi-talented martial artist and acrobat, Han Guan-Hua worked his way up from stuntman to assistant team leader to action director and director in his own right. His boss Jackie Chan put so much trust in him that Han Guan-Hua was selected as a tutor for the fifth edition of the film workshop “成龍電影A計劃” (translated as wordplay “Jackie Chan’s Project A Movie”) in the field of film shooting in October 2021. The film workshop is part of Jackie Chan’s “Jackie Chan Movie And Media College” (成龙影视传媒学院), a film college in Wuhan for the promotion of young Chinese talent.

Picture: ”Little Big Soldier” (2010)

Yu Hao Er (于浩儿) ♀

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 13 January 1979 in China, nickname: Angel Yu

Membership number:
g5m41 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g5m45 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g5m45 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: Allegedly “Shanghai Noon” (2000) in unused scenes. However, this could not be 100% confirmed; there are conflicting sources. Therefore, “Shanghai Knights” (2003) is considered to be the first official cinematic encounter.

Unfortunately, little is known about Angel Yu, except that she was the very first woman of the Jackie Chan stunt team.

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

The 6th generation


This probably represents the smallest generation of the JCST with just four new members. It was a difficult time for Jackie Chan and his stunt team, as the balancing act between Hollywood and Hong Kong productions became increasingly difficult.

Although many films with Jackie Chan and several generations of the JCST were made during this time, the market in Hong Kong was slackening more and more. This led to Jackie Chan having to join the much larger Chinese market.

Alan Ng Wing-Lun (吳永倫) ♂

Flagge Hongkong Date/place of birth: 30 May 1982 in Hong Kong, nickname: Liang-Zai Lun (靓仔伦)

Membership number:
g6m42 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g6m46 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g6m46 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Forbidden Kingdom” (2008), actually a commercial before that movie

His father (Ng Kit-Keung (吳傑強)?) was an old-school stuntman and fought Bruce Lee in “Enter The Dragon” (1973). A martial arts artist for many years, Alan Ng began his film career back in 1999 at the Hong Kong TV station TVB. His first work with Jackie Chan was actually a commercial, which is when the two first met. Further meetings led to a job offer as a martial arts coach on Jackie’s TV show “The Disciple” (龙的传人) (2007-2008) and becoming a permanent member of the JCST.

Picture: ”Skiptrace” (2016)

Che Guo-Bin (車國斌) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1984 in China

Membership number:
g6m45 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g6m49 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g6m47 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Little Big Soldier” (2010)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Liu Ruo-Xian (劉若顯) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 20 November 1979 in Shandong (China)

Membership number:
g6m47 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g6m50 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g6m48 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Forbidden Kingdom” (2008)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Liu Jun-Wei (劉俊偉) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 12 November 1982 in China

Membership number:
g6m46 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g6m51 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g6m49 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Little Big Soldier” (2010)

Another date of birth is circulating: 11 December 1986.

Picture: Promo from Liu Jun-Wei’s public available Facebook profile picture (Status: March 2024)

The 7th generation


In the seventh generation, Jackie Chan finally arrived in his new adopted country of China (Beijing and Shanghai), both commercially and emotionally, after the separation of his best friend and manager Willie Chan and the restructuring of the JC Group. Thus, with this generation, he not only consolidated his “regional factor” and engaged young talents from the People’s Republic, but also reached out to Europe for the first time.

With Max Huang and Andy Long, the first two European, German, stuntmen were welcomed to the team. Furthermore, Taekwondo champion and model Zoe Zhang as well as Wang Dan were brought in as additional stunt women for stunt work and their own film vehicles.

Julian Maximilian Widjaja ♂

Flagge Deutschland Date/place of birth: 22 September 1988 in Nuremberg (Germany), nickname: Max, better known as Max Huang You-Liang (黃又亮)

Membership number:
g7m49 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m52 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m50 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Chinese Zodiac” (2012)

As the first German member of the stunt team, Jackie Chan has brought a real multi-talent on board: Wushu champion, stuntman, actor, director, singer, pianist. His younger brother is also in the JCST. His cousin is the famous violinist Iskandar Widjaja and his father Noorman Widjaja is a highly respected chief conductor on international stages.

Watch Max Huang’s directorial debut “No Way Out” (2020) online here!

Picture: Private archive, courtesy of Max Huang

Lu Shi-Jia (呂世佳) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 28 July 1993 in Beijing (China)

Membership number:
g7m51 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m53 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m51 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Karate Kid” (2010)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Andreas Nguyen ♂

Flagge Deutschland Date/place of birth: 8 May 1988 in Germany, better known as Andy Long

Membership number:
g7m50 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m54 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m52 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Chinese Zodiac” (2012)

An official member since 2011. Andy’s inclusion in the team is a story in itself: he travelled to France during the filming of “Chinese Zodiac” (2012), slept on the street for a week and finally handed Jackie his demo reel on the film set. A month later, he received an email from China: at Jackie’s request, He Jun should bring him onto the team. Andy is a doer and founded his first action film team back in 2006 with the Mag-Fighters. Today he travels the world with his Andy Long Stunt Team, bringing his own spirit of filmmaking to the world.

Andy’s demo reel from 2016 is here.

Picture: Private archive, courtesy of Andy Long

Zhang Jin-Shuang (張金爽) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1978 in China

Membership number:
g6m44 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m55 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m53 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Chinese Zodiac” (2012)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Zoe Zhang Lan-Xin (張藍心) ♀

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 21 July 1986 in Beijing (China)

Membership number:
g7m56 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m56 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m54 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Chinese Zodiac” (2012)

Zoe Zhang is a model, stuntwoman, actress and presenter. Prior to joining the JCST, she was on the Chinese Taekwondo team for over ten years and became national champion in 2004. She hosted through the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week in Datong, China in 2021.

Picture: ”Who Am I 2015” (2015)

Wu Xing-Yu (吳興宇) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 10 July 1986 in Jinan (China), nickname: Andy

Membership number:
g7m54 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m57 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m55 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Chinese Zodiac” (2012)

Studied photography at the Beijing Film School, China, and founded the film production and distribution company Koutian Wu (Shouguang) Film and Television Media Studio (口天吳(壽光)影視傳媒工作室) in Weifang, China, on 26 April 2020. He is also the legal representative of Xingyu Films (Ningbo) (興宇影業(寧波)有限公司).

Picture: Promo from www.baidu.com

Yao Xing-Xing (姚星星) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 29 January 1980 in China

Membership number:
g6m48 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g6m47 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m56 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Myth” (2005)

Picture: ”The Myth” (2005)

James Wang Wei-Tao (王維韜) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 12 November 1980 in China, also known as Wang Ke (王柯), nickname: A Tao (阿滔)

Membership number:
g6m43 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g6m48 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m57 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Little Big Soldier” (2010)

Picture: Celebration for the 40th anniversary (2017)

Joey Hu Ming-Wu (胡铭武) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 12 January 1989 in Shandong (China), also known as Xiao Wu (小武), Da Tuo (大坨)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g7m58 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Karate Kid” (2010)

Is the team leader of the Chinese Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe (龙韵武艺团), whose boss is Jackie Chan. The acrobatic and martial arts group emerged from the TV show “The Disciple” (龙的传人) (2007-2008) produced by Jackie Chan. It acts as a representative of the entire Jackie Chan stunt team as well as Chinese culture on international stages. During the TV show that formed Jackie Chan’s “New Seven Little Fortunes”, Joey Hu made it to the top 16 contestants.

Picture: Promo from www.chinalongyun.cn

The 8th generation


Even though the majority of the eighth generation has Chinese roots, it is also becoming European again. The youngest newcomer is Wang Zhen-Wei, known as the adversary of Jaden Smith in “The Karate Kid” (2010), the oldest is Temur Mamisashvili, former team member of the Soviet wushu team: almost 21 years separate the two.

The two are complemented by other Chinese talents and a second wave of German stuntmen: Vi-Dan Tran and Thomas Hacikoglu.

Wang Hai-Qi (王海岐) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 18 April 1990 in Datong (China), also known as Hi Qi

Membership number:
g7m55 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m58 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m59 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Police Story 2013” (2013)

Picture: Celebration for the 40th anniversary (2017)

Yao Xue-Li (姚學力) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 12 May 1985 in Shanghai (China), nickname: Johnny

Membership number:
g8m57 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m59 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m60 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Who Am I 2015” (2015)

There are two other dates of birth in circulation: 13 June 1985 and 25 April 1989.

Picture: Celebration for the 40th anniversary (2017)

Su Hang (苏杭) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 18 November 1995 in Huainan (China)

Membership number:
g7m53 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m63 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m61 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Dragon Blade” (2015)

According to his Facebook profile, he joined the JCST on 27 July 2009 and studied physical education at the Capital Institute of Physical Education (首都体育学院) from 2009 to 2012.

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Li Lei (李磊) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 10 March 1995 in Beijing (China), nickname: Leo Li

Membership number:
g7m52 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m62 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m62 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Karate Kid” (2010)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Wang Dan (王丹) ♀

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1989 in China

Membership number:
g8m61 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m61 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m63 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Railroad Tigers” (2016)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Cui Long-Long (崔龍龍) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 8 September 1988 in Hebei (China)

Membership number:
g8m60 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g7m60 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m64 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Skiptrace” (2016)

Picture: Cui Long-Long receives the Best Male Stuntman Award at the 4th Annual International Jackie Chan Action Movie Week (成龙国际动作电影周) 2018. Read more in my article here.

Yin Chun-Xiong (尹純雄) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 14 August 1984 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m64 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m65 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Impetuous Love In Action” (2014)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Zac Wang Zhen-Wei (王振威) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 20 October 1995 in Handan (China), nickname: Xiao Wei

Membership number:
g8m59 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m65 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m66 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Karate Kid” (2010)

Official member since October 2015. Before that, he graduated from the Shi Cha-Hai sports school in Beijing.

Picture: ”Project X-Traction” (not yet released)

Gang Yin-Xuan (剛胤軒) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 28 August 1989 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m66 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m67 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Impetuous Love In Action” (2014)

In an interview with The Paper (China) in 2020, Gang Yin-Xuan revealed that he once jumped from a height of eight metres, dislocating vertebrae in his neck, suffering broken bones and torn muscles, losing consciousness and being unable to move.

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Yan Ning-Jie (閆寧杰) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1995 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m67 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m68 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Railroad Tigers” (2016)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Li Zhi-Yuan (李志遠) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 24 June 1997 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m68 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m69 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Railroad Tigers” (2016)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Huang Xiao-Xuan (黃瀟萱) ♀

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 5 June 1992 in China, nickname: Xuan Xuan (萱萱)

Membership number:
g8m62 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m69 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m70 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Railroad Tigers” (2016)

Picture: Closing ceremony of the 5th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week (成龙国际动作电影周) 2019. Read more in my article here.

Sheng Yao-Wan (盛遥丸) ♀

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 6 August 1990 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m70 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m71 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Li Zhi-Yuan (李志遠) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1997 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m72 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Railroad Tigers” (2016)

Note: This is actually a duplicate entry in the autobiography “I Am Jackie Chan” (我是成龙) by Jackie Chan!

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Du Bin (杜濱) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1994 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m73 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Golden Job” (2018)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Ma Yong-Li (馬永立) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1983 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m74 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Mystery Of Dragon Seal” (2019)

Picture: ”Ride On” (2023)

Wei Guo-Jun (魏國君) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1990 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m77 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m75 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Ride On” (2023)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Gabriel Yang Ao (杨傲) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1990 in China, nickname: Nao Nao (闹闹)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m76 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Is part of the Chinese Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe (龙韵武艺团), whose team boss is Jackie Chan, and is also the deputy team leader. Good singer of the group.

Picture: Promo from www.chinalongyun.cn

Aden Xing Shi-Shuai (邢世帅) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1989 in Dongying (China), nickname: Mian Mian (面面)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m77 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Is part of the Chinese Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe (龙韵武艺团), whose team boss is Jackie Chan, and is responsible for minor expenses and organisation. His speciality is boxing, he speaks fluent Shandong dialect.

Picture: Promo from www.chinalongyun.cn

Ma Teng-Fei (馬騰飛) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 15 January 1989 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m71 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m78 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: Celebration for the 40th anniversary (2017)

Temur Mamisashvili ♂

Flagge Georgien Date/place of birth: 27 December 1974 in Tbilisi, Georgia, nickname: Tiemo, Tonton

Membership number:
g8m58 (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m72 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m79 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Dragon Blade” (2015)

Has been practising wushu since the age of 9. Temur was officially appointed a stunt team member by Jackie Chan during the filming of “Bleeding Steel” (2017).

Picture: Private archive, courtesy of Temur Mamisashvili

Denis Vi-Dan Tran ♂

Flagge Deutschland Date/place of birth: 2 September 1984 in Cologne (Germany)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m73 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m80 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Foreigner” (2017)

Official member since 18 June 2017. Worked successfully as a stuntman during his film studies at Aachen University of Applied Sciences thanks to years of wushu training. Directed several music videos by German-speaking artists and still works on international big-budget film productions.

His legendary short film “Cyberpunk 2077 – Phoenix Program” (2020) features friend and stunt team mate Andy Long as Miyamoto Arasaka with silver hair, a character he reprised as Oyumi in “Accident Man 2” (2022) at the personal request of Scott Adkins.

Click here for the short film “Cyberpunk 2077 – Phoenix Program” (2020).

Picture: Private archive, courtesy of Vi-Dan Tran

Thomas Hacikoglu ♂

Flagge Deutschland Date/place of birth: 29 October 1981 in Nuremberg (Germany)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m74 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g8m81 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Bleeding Steel” (2017)

Official member of the Jackie Chan stunt team since 28 June 2017. One of the busiest stunt perfomers from Germany, working internationally on blockbusters and indie films. His directorial debut “WODEN – Let Me Explain To You The Language Of The Sword” (2020) won multiple international awards for best short film/director.

Click here for Thomas Hacikoglu’s stuntreel.

Picture: Private archive, courtesy of Thomas Hacikoglu

The 9th generation


The last generation of the JCST for now will also be international with some firsts. Why members like Lee Huang and Marvin Bouvet are placed so far down the list according to the latest source, Jackie’s 2022 autobiography “I Am Jackie Chan” (我是成龙), even though they have been doing projects for and with their boss for quite some time, remains to be unknown for now.

However, this generation suffered big problems and still does when very young talents were recruited from China from 2019 and got no or few opportunities to succeed so far because of the global crises. The Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe (龙韵武艺团), now fully integrated into the Sing Ga Ban, has also had its difficulties travelling internationally. Many of their European stage shows, including in Germany, had to be cancelled at short notice.

Charles Shen Wei-Chao (身为超) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 31 March 1987 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m75 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m82 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Vanguard” (2020)

Picture: Promo from Charles Shen Wei-Chao’s public available Facebook profile picture (Status: March 2024)

Owen Su Xiao-Peng (苏晓朋) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1991 in China, nickname: Chou Cou (臭臭)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m83 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “The Karate Kid” (2010)

Is part of the Chinese Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe (龙韵武艺团), whose team boss is Jackie Chan, and a top acrobat with many foreign language skills and a penchant for writing.

Picture: Promo from www.chinalongyun.cn

Seth Su Jing-Jing (苏兢晶) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1991 in Bozhou (China), nickname: Gu Niang (姑娘)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m84 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Is part of the Chinese Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe (龙韵武艺团), whose team boss is Jackie Chan, and the group’s dancer. He trained at the Beijing Sports University.

Picture: Promo from www.chinalongyun.cn

Jay Cao Jia-Long (曹佳龙) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1994 in Bozhou (China), nickname: Long Zi (龙仔)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m85 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Is part of the Chinese Long Yun Kung Fu Troupe (龙韵武艺团), whose team boss is Jackie Chan, and uses his Shaolin training for modern dance and kung fu interludes.

Picture: Promo from www.chinalongyun.cn

Jiang Xing-Ju (姜兴举) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1998 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m86 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: Promo

Zhang Yong (张勇) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 25 October 1991 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m87 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Kung Fu Yoga” (2017)

Picture: Promo from Zhang Yong’s public available Baike profile (Status: October 2024)

Feng Hao-Long (冯浩龙) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 2000 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m88 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: Promo

Dan Qian-Fei (单乾飞) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 2001 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m89 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: Promo from Dan Qian-Fei’s public available Facebook profile picture (Status: March 2024)

Su Xin (苏鑫) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 2001 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m90 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: Promo

Zhang Yi-Bo (张宜波) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 2001 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m91 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Ride On” (2023)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Yi Man-Rui (易锰芮) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 2001 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m92 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Shan You-Yan (单友缘) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 2000 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m93 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Ren Jin-Kun (任晋坤) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1999 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m94 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: no films together

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Zhou Yong-Qi (周永琪) ♂

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 2000 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m95 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Ride On” (2023)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Kevin Ta ♂

Date/place of birth: 1991 in Great Britain

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m96 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Golden Job” (2018)

The JCST’s first stunt performer from the UK.

Picture: Promo from MCU Fandom

Konstantin Widjaja ♂

Flagge Deutschland Date/place of birth: 7 April 1993 in Nuremberg (Germany), better known as Lee Huang

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
g8m76 (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m97 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Kung Fu Yoga” (2017)

The younger brother of stunt team member Max Huang has made it his mission to combine the best action film techniques from East and West with his company “Lee Huang Action Design”. He looks back on years of experience as a stuntman, stunt trigger, stunt coordinator and fight choreographer and his amazing filmography includes blockbusters, indie films and TV series.

Lee Huang has had military tactics training, is a certified safety and precision driver, wushu trainer and lecturer for the seminar “Stunts in the Media” at the Film Academy Ludwigsburg.

More about Lee Huang Action Design here.

Picture: Private archive, courtesy of Lee Huang

Marvin Bouvet ♂

Date/place of birth: 17 May 1992 in Sablé-sur-Sarthe (France)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m98 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Hidden Strike” (2023)

Marvin Bouvet is the first French member of the JCST. His specialities are acrobatics and parkour as well as fight choreography. As an independent filmmaker, he looks back on several years of experience and will surely spread the spirit of Sing Ga Ban in France and all over Europe in the future.

Marvin Bouvet’s action reel and more info can be found here.

Picture: Private archive, courtesy of Marvin Bouvet

Jia Liang-Qiang (贾连强)

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 10 October 1990 in China, nickname: Hei Zi (黑子)

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m99 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Kung Fu Yoga” (2017)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

Hu Ya-Nan (胡亚楠)

Flagge China Date/place of birth: 1993 in China

Membership number:
n/a (“Growing Old Before Growing Up”, status: 12/2016)
n/a (Jackie Chan Film Gallery in Shanghai, status: 01/2019)
g9m100 (“I Am Jackie Chan”, status: 01/2022)

First collaboration in a film: “Ride On” (2023)

Picture: JCST video for the 70th birthday of Jackie Chan (2024)

2024: Start of the 10th generation?

All but the very first generation of the Jackie Chan stunt team span a period of four years. Therefore, it is theoretically possible that preparations and recruitments for the anniversary generation are already underway, because according to the calculations, this would have to have started in 2022 and last until 2026. As described above, these events may be protracted due to the ongoing global crises.

In fact, a collaboration between Jackie Chan and the traditional brewery Luzhou Laojiao (泸州老窖) was made public on 22 January 2024. In the Year of the Dragon 2024, Jackie Chan has been chosen as the official advertising ambassador of the 700-year-old Chinese company. A lavish promotional video was produced to celebrate. In it, a 10th generation of the Jackie Chan stunt team is mentioned for the first time.

It should also be mentioned that in the past many dates were officially adjusted by the JC Group again and again: New members that were once forgotten were added, year dates were adjusted, the order of the individual members was changed. And indeed, the most recent source, Jackie’s autobiography “I Am Jackie Chan” (我是成龙) from 2022, on which this list is based, contains many small errors and one major blunder with a double entry.

So I personally expect that we will continue to get more data on the JCST in the future and perhaps a few of the errors printed in the book will be corrected for international editions.

On 7 April 2024, Jackie Chan turned 70 years old. Strangely enough, he celebrated his birthday in private; he was in the middle of filming “Whispers Of Gratitude” (陌生家庭). However, his stunt team did not miss the opportunity to send him congratulations via video. The compilation was shared on the official Douyin account of the JCST International Training Center. Towards the end we see new faces, perhaps contenders for the 10th generation?

A final note: As mentioned several times, not all data was taken from this last autobiography. My list is the result of countless hours of research from many sources (public and non-public) in order to present a collection of data for the JCST that is as error-free as possible.

Wasn’t there …?

Over the course of decades, Jackie Chan did not only work with his own people, of course. As early as the 1980s, Jackie’s team met Sammo Hung’s, Lau Kar-Leung’s or the Yuen clan for some successful films that are now classics of Hong Kong cinema. Thus, stuntmen were sometimes lent out for certain tasks, even to third parties.

In the 90s and especially after the breakthrough in Hollywood, the JCST worked more and more with “outsiders” or martial artists who had already earned a name for themselves as stuntmen. Project-wise, there was a collaboration with the Sing Ga Ban, but it takes more to be considered an official member. Incidentally, the Collection Book mentioned at the beginning contains a lavish list of films in the form of posters in which the JCST has been involved since the 1970s – I will compare this list with mine and write a separate post about it at some point.

It should also be mentioned that over the years, thousands of applicants unfortunately did not make it into the team. This in turn means that this list represents the ultimate members within the “Jackie Chan Family”. In Jackie’s autobiography “I Am Jackie Chan” (我是成龙) from 2022, he writes exactly that and thanks all the applicants who even after that continued to pursue their careers and occasionally crossed paths with the JCST.

Here are just a few of the names that are often mentioned in connection with the JCST.

Jonathan Foo, aka Jon Foo, was cast by Jackie Chan for his production of “House Of Fury” (2005) and “The Myth” (2005), but is not considered a permanent member. In 2016, he landed the lead role as Jonathan Lee in the cancelled TV series “Rush Hour”, based on Chan and Tucker’s film series.

For that, here‘s my mega-review: “Mega review of the “Rush Hour” television series with Jonathan Foo and Justin Hires”!

Tomer Oz, the Israeli martial artist, opened his own martial arts school in China and was hired by Jackie Chan for some of his films, including “Dragon Blade” (2015), “Skiptrace” (2016) and “Vanguard” (2020).

William Duen Wai-Lun (段偉倫), was Jackie Chan’s bodyguard alongside Ken Lo for many years, as well as his personal driver.

Rumour has it that he and his boss had such a falling out that he was dishonourably dismissed from the team. In any case, he is not mentioned in the official Sing Ga Ban lists, even though he proved his talent in front of the camera on several occasions.

Joe Eigo, the Canadian martial artist and stuntman, often trained with the members of the fifth generation, but he was never officially accepted.

Tai Bo (太保), a well-known face of Hong Kong cinema in the 80s and 90s, has always been treated as a permanent member of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team. Some sources list him as part of the first generation, but he could also be counted as a member of the second in terms of time. However, he is not officially mentioned anywhere, although he was even present at the anniversary celebrations in 2017 and receives great respect from his colleagues.

Tai Bo is considered a character actor and Jackie certainly offered him a permanent place in the team. But I personally think he wanted to be freer in his choice of films and roles.

I could list dozens more talents at this point, but we’ll end with these brief mentions who worked and occasionally still work with Jackie Chan and his stunt team, but are not part of the official team: Paul Philip Clark, Pierre Bourdaud, Mathieu Jaquet, Brahim Chab, Mak Wai-Cheung, Cheng Chi-Ho, Michael Tse Tin-Wah, Andy Kay, Colin Flora, Andy Owen, Dani Hu, Jack Wong Wai-Leung, Peng Zhang, Russ Price, Ulrik Bruchholz, David Torok, Rima Zeidan, Alicia Woodhouse, Alexey Minaev, Allan Keng, Kwan Yung, Alex Yip Choi-Nam, Jung Jin “J.J.” Park.

The fact that these talents are not part of the JCST in no way diminishes their talent and passion for what they do and, more importantly, do it successfully. Whether they are official applicants or occasional contributors, each and every name holds a fascinating filmography that deserves all the respect it can get.

A huge thank you to the Jackie Chan Stunt Team and all the members (former and active) who always answer all my nerdy questions about Sing Ga Ban and beyond in a friendly and courteous manner. I hope to be able to report more about you stunt heroes and stunt heroines in the future.

Pictures: Jonathan Foo from “Rush Hour” (2016), William Duen Wai-Lun from “Drunken Master II” (1994), Tai Bo from “Heart Of Dragon” (1985).